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  • 1  Management of occupational injury by sharp instrument at the hospital
    YIN Xiao ji
    2002, 1(1):33-35.
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    2  Study on the changing trends in national nosocomial infection transection investigation results
    Ren Nan WEN Xi-mao WU An-hua
    2007, 6(1):16-18.
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    3  One-day prevalence survey of nosocomial infection in 159 hospitals
    WU An-hua REN Nan WEN Xi-mao YI Xia-yun HUANG Xun XU Xiu-hua
    2005, 4(1):12-16.
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    4  Analysis of risk factors of nosocomial infection of 178 hospitals in China
    REN Nan WEN Xi mao WU An hua XU Xiu hua YI Xia yun GONG Yu xiu
    2003, 2(1):6-10.
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    5  Analysis of factors for peripherally inserted central catheter-related phlebitis
    ZHOU Xue-zhen LI Li-hua HE Zhan-wen
    2005, 4(1):46-48.
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    6  Postexposure prophylaxis for occupational exposure to HIV
    2003, 2(2):81-85.
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    7  Meta-analysis of the relation between preoperative hair shaving and postoperative incisional wound infection
    ZUO Ai-ying LIN Yuan SUN Qiao-mei
    2005, 4(4):315-317.
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    8  Research progress of nosocomial fungal infection
    2003, 2(4):241-245.
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    9  Study on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Mainland of P.R. China
    2002, 1(1):1-3.
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    10  The investigation of the new medical personnels''''sharp injuries and preventive measures
    LI Xi-lan WANG Yun-qiong ZHOU Gang
    2005, 4(3):240-241,248.
    Objective To investigate new medical personnels' sharp injuries and preventive measures. Methods Six hundred and sixty-eight new medical personnels who had been working in three affiliated hospitals of a university were investigated retrospectively through questionnaires. Results Among the new medical personnels investigated, 639 ( 95.66% ) persons injured 4 476 times, 90.87% of whom had two or more injuries. Most sharp injuries (63.43%) were caused by syringe needles, 32.77% of sharp injuries were caused by operating suture needle and knife blade, only 7.67% of injuries were reported. Conclusion Clinical new medical personnels have high incidence of the sharp injuries, the report of injuries was less common. Strengthen the education of comprehensive protective consciousness and safeguard procedures to reduce medical personnels' blood spread diseases is an important subject at present.
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    11  Investigation of nosocomial infection in patients in ICU
    QIU Mei-jiao
    2004, 3(1):22-23,28.
    Objective To investigate the nosocomial infection (NI) in patients in ICU, and analyse the risk factors and preventive measures. Methods The clinical data of all patients who were hospitalized between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2002 were surveyed retrospectively. Results NI in patients in ICU was 19.69%, the case prevalence rate was 28.19%, the infection often occurred in patients with cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, cerebral laceration and contusion; lower respiratory tract infection was the most common infection (60.32%), the next was bacteremia; Gram-negative bacteria was the main pathogens causing NI (67.83%), most of which was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (34.78%), followed by fungi (17.39%). Conclusion The NI rate of ICU is higher than that of the other departments, the risk factors depend on the severity of underlying diseases, patients immunity status, invasive procedure and the quality of disinfection and sterilization.
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    12  The isolation rate and antimicrobial resistance of nonfermenters causing nosocomial infection in ICU
    ZHAO Hu ZHOU Ting-yin CHEN Xian-feng HE Ming-jun SHAO Min-wei
    2004, 3(1):39-42.
    Objective To evaluate the isolation rate and antimicrobial resistance of nonfermenters causing nosocomial infection in ICU in a hospital. Methods The bacteria were identified by VITEK-AMS, and the antimicrobial susceptibility tests were done according to the disc agar diffusion methods. Results The isolation rate of nonfermenters in ICU was 38.36%, the most common bacterium was P.aeruginosa ( 18.75%), the next was A.baumannii ( 11.18%) and S.maltophilia ( 4.38%). The bacterial isolation rates were different among different sites, respiratory system and skin incision had the highest bacterial isolation rate, which was 65.40% and 51.23% respectively. P.aeruginosa, A.baumannii and S.maltophilia had high antimicrobial resistant rate. Conclusion The isolation rate of nonfermenters were rather high in the nosocomial infection in patients of ICU, the resistant rates of nonfermenters to the antimicrobials were high, the drugs for the treatment of the infection caused by nonfermenters should be chosen according to the result of the antimicrobial susceptibility test.
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    13  Study on the classification and distribution of the β-lactamases produced by Acinetobacter
    MING De song WU Yi bo XIE Zun jin
    2003, 2(1):17-18,24.
    目的 了解不动杆菌所产各种β-内酰胺酶(β-lactamases)分布情况。方法 采用多底物纸片协同法、ESBLs确认试验、纸片拮抗法、AmpC酶检测法检测42株不动杆菌所产各种β—内酰胺酶。结果 42株不动杆菌总β-内酰胺酶检出率为100%,其中产头抱菌素酶2株(4.8%)、诱导型AmpC酶5株(11.9%)、单独产AmpC菌及ESBLs各7株(16、7%),产AmpC酶及ESBLs2l株(50.0%),未检出单独青霉素酶、广谱酶和碳青霉烯酶;28株产ESBLs菌株中,纸片协同法阳性仅7株,占25.0%(7/28),ESBLs确认试验阳性26株,2l株产ESBLs菌株的超广谱β-内酰胺抗生素抑菌环直径为6mm。结论 本组不动杆菌产β-内酰胺酶总检出率很高,以AmpC酶、ESBLs为主,未检出青霉素酶和碳青霉烯酶;本组不动杆菌所产β-内酰胺酶的产量高。
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    14  Epidemiological investigation of nosocomial infection in 2 406 senile patients
    王江桥 李玉娟 王箭 巫雪平
    2003, 2(1):33-35.
    目的 探讨老年患医院感染的特征和相关因素,为控制其医院感染提供依据。方法 选择某院2001年2406例60岁以上住院病人中发生医院感染的152例患进行流行病学调查分析。结果 老年病患医院感染率为6.32%;脑梗死、肝硬化、脑出血、恶性肿瘤、糖尿病患医院感染率明显高于其他疾病患;感染部位中呼吸道占45.96%,胃肠道占21.74%,泌尿道占14.28%,皮肤占9.94%;病原送捡率为21.05%,病原菌中大肠埃希菌6株,占35.29%,肺炎克雷伯菌4株,占23.53%,表皮葡萄球菌3株,占17.65%;泌尿道插管、使用化疗药物和激素的老年病人医院感染发生率较高;平均延长住院时间20.72天。结论 老年病患医院感染的主要部位是呼吸道,病原菌以革兰阴性杆菌多见;积极治疗基础病、缩短住院天数、提高病原学送捡率,对预防和控制医院感染具有重要作用。
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    15  Correlative factors of maternal-fetal infection caused by premature rupture of fetal membranes
    WANG Zhao-li GUO Xiao-ling
    2005, 4(1):33-35.
    Objective To investigate the high risk factors and effective prevention and control measures for infection in parturients and neonates with premature rupture of fetal membranes. Methods Medical records of patients with premature rupture of fetal membranes in a hospital from January 1999 to December 2002 were analyzed retrospectively. Results Forty-nine infection occurred among 1 416 ( 3.46%) inpatients. The constitutional ratio of genital tract infection in parturients was 32.26%, and incisional infection was 22.58%. The constitutional ratio of lower respiratory tract infection in neonates was 57.14%, and skin infection was 23.81%. Conclusion Premature rupture of fetal membranes is a high risk factor for infection in parturients and neonates. Preventive antimicrobial agents usage, early diagnosis of infection and timely termination of pregnancy are effective means to prevent infection caused by premature rupture of fetal membrane.
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    16  Observation on the health care workers'''' hand-washing effect
    WEN Shan CHEN Ai-juan HUANG Jie-shan
    2005, 4(4):362-363.
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    17  Prevention and treatment of hepatic diseases and intestinal originated endotoxemia
    2003, 2(1):74-77.
    肠源性内毒素血症在患肝病时增加 ,内毒素血症引起细胞因子反应 ,尤其是肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF α) ,后者又反过来使肝病加重。本文对内毒素导致肝损伤机理进行了初步探讨 ,在各种肝病类型中 ,慢性重型肝炎的肠源性内毒素血症发生率高达 84 %。此外 ,患乙型肝炎的孕妇有 5 7%可以检出肠源性内毒素血症 ,对妊娠可造成不良影响 ,甚至可引起流产或早产。益生菌制剂和肠道选择性去污染 ,有助于防止肝病患者发生肠源性内毒素血症。近年来 ,肠源性内毒素血症 (intestinaloriginat edendotoxemia ,IETM )与肝病…
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    18  Evaluation on the measures to prevent incisional wound infection after cesarean section
    WANG Li-ping HUANG Yun-ying
    2006, 5(2):167-168.
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    19  Clinical survey of hospital fungi infection and drug resistance
    LIN Ping NI Shi lian
    2003, 2(4):294-296.
    目的 了解医院内真菌感染的临床特点、危险因素及真菌对药物的敏感情况。方法 采用回顾性调查 ,对 1 999~ 2 0 0 1年住院病例中的真菌感染病例进行统计分析。结果  3年间发生医院真菌感染 1 0 3例 ,感染构成比由 1 999年的 8.4 7%上升到 2 0 0 1年的 1 8.6 8% ,3年之间差异有显著性意义 (χ2 =1 0 .99,P <0 .0 1 )。引起医院感染的真菌有 7个种 ,其中以白色念珠菌为主 ,占 5 8.2 5 % ;热带念珠菌次之 ,占 2 9.1 3%。医院真菌感染的部位以呼吸道最高 ,占全部医院真菌感染的 2 6 .2 1 % ,其次为泌尿道 ,占 2 0 .39%。被检出的医院内感染真菌抗药模式为 :对 5 氟胞嘧啶、两性霉素B、制霉菌素敏感 ,而对咪康唑、益康唑、酮康唑耐药。医院真菌感染的发生与基础疾病 ,长期使用广谱抗菌药物 ,大量使用免疫抑制剂 ,以及各种侵入性诊疗技术和年龄老龄化等因素密切相关。结论 医院真菌感染有逐年上升趋势 ,已成为医院感染致死的主要因素之一 ;同时医院感染真菌的耐药性也逐渐增多 ,对唑类抗真菌药物已明显耐药
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