Abstract:Objective To investigate the current status of healthcare-associated infection (HAI) management in municipal public hospitals in Shanghai City, and put forward suggestions for improvement. Methods Questionnaires were used to interview deputy directors in charge of 39 municipal public hospitals and heads of HAI management departments of 39 municipal public hospitals in Shanghai City. The content of interview mainly included the organizational system construction of HAI management departments of municipal public hospitals, assignment of professionals and system construction of HAI management departments, difficulties and highlights in the implementation of HAI management, etc. Results 37 (94.9%) of the 39 municipal public hospitals have set up HAI mana-gement committees, established a complete municipal HAI management system and carried out corresponding work responsibilities. The composition of the department members of HAI management committees of 30 hospitals (76.9%) met the requirements, 38 hospitals (97.4%) appointed medical directors or medical deputy directors as chairman of HAI management departments. 37 (94.9%) municipal public hospitals have set up independent HAI management departments, 31 hospitals (79.5%) had HAI management departments directly managed by medical deputy director, and 28 hospitals (71.8%) were as functional departments. 39 municipal public hospitals had an average of one full-time HAI management professionals for every 239 beds, which met the standard requirements, but there were differences among different hospitals. The professional direction of heads of HAI management departments was mainly clinical medicine (59.0%), professional direction of full-time infection management professionals was nursing (41.9%). The highlights of HAI management in 39 municipal public hospitals were mainly the adoption of personalized and diversified training methods (100.0%), establishment of HAI case monitoring and early warning mechanism (89.7%), implementation of HAI control grid management and multi-disciplinary team (MDT) collaborative management mode (87.2%), etc.; the construction difficulties mainly focus on the limited development prospect and difficult promotion of employees (41.0%), insufficient fund investment from hospital (33.3%), and low income of HAI management professionals (23.1%), etc. Conclusion Municipal hospitals need to improve the construction of HAI management organization, improve HAI management system, optimize the training mechanism of HAI management team, implement staff promotion incentive measures, increase the fund investment in HAI management, ensure scientific and standardized resource allocation, and constantly promote the scientific, refinement and standardization of HAI management level.