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Current situation and influencing factors of medical protective mask wea-ring behavior of health care workers

1.School of Nursing, Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou 221000, China;2.Department of Infection Management, Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou 221000, China;3.Neurosurgery Department, The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou 221000, China

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    目的 了解医务人员佩戴医用防护口罩的行为现状, 并分析未能规范佩戴医用防护口罩的影响因素, 为改进口罩佩戴相关培训提供依据。 方法 2022年6月—2023年3月, 选取某三级甲等医院的工作人员为研究对象, 采用气溶胶凝结核计数法对市面上常见的5款医用防护口罩进行实时定量适合性测试, 通过测试仪器适合因数的变化、是否需要专业人员辅助调整综合判断医用防护口罩佩戴情况, 应用自制的一般资料调查表对参与者进行问卷调查, 借助三维(3D)激光扫描技术扫描参与者头面部, 将扫描图像导入Geomagic Studio 2013软件测量头面部尺寸。 结果 共调查222名医务人员, 完成991次实时测试, 208次3D扫描。其中221次(22.30%)测试参与者未能规范佩戴医用防护口罩, 5款医用防护口罩的不规范佩戴比率分别为30.56%、25.62%、25.87%、23.15%、7.35%。佩戴口罩不规范率: 不同医用防护口罩形状, 参与者职业、上一次医用防护口罩佩戴技能培训时间及是否有呼吸道传染病防治相关工作经验各组比较, 差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);医用防护口罩品牌、尺寸, 以及参与者性别、科室等各组比较, 差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。折叠状医用防护口罩佩戴规范与不规范者身体质量指数(BMI)比较, 差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。 结论 医务人员佩戴医用防护口罩不规范受诸多因素影响, 在正式的定量适合性测试之前推荐进行实时测试, 能节省时间, 提高测试效率。未来进行医用防护口罩佩戴培训时, 对不同形状的口罩应进行针对性的培训, 重点关注后勤人员、实习生、BMI高者, 以及从未接受医用防护口罩佩戴培训者及未参加过呼吸道传染病防治相关工作者。


    Objective To understand the current situation of protective mask wearing behavior of health care workers (HCWs), analyze the influencing factors for the failure to wear medical protective masks in a standard manner, and provide basis for the improvement of mask-wearing related training. Methods From June 2022 to March 2023, staff in a tertiary first-class hospital were selected as the research object. Real-time quantitative fitness testing using aerosol condensation particle counting method was applied to test 5 commonly used medical protective masks available in the market. Fitness factor changes of the testing instrument and assistance from professional personnel were needed to comprehensively estimate the wearing condition of medical protective masks. Participants were surveyed through a self-made general information questionnaire. Heads and faces of participants were scanned by three-dimensional (3D) laser scanning technology, and scanned images were imported into Geomagic Studio 2013 software to measure head and face dimensions. Results A total of 222 HCWs were investigated, 991 real-time tests and 208 times of 3D scanning were conducted. 221 (22.30 %) tests showed failure of participants in wearing masks in a standard manner. The non-standard wearing rates of 5 types of medical protective masks were 30.56%, 25.62%, 25.87%, 23.15%, and 7.35%, respectively. The non-standard mask-wearing rates showed statistically significant difference between groups categorized in terms of medical protective masks with different shapes, participants' occupation, time of last training for wearing medical protective masks, and participants' experience in prevention and control of respiratory infectious disease (all P < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in non-standard mask-wearing rate between groups with different brands and sizes of medical protective masks, as well as gender and department of participants, etc. (all P>0.05). The body mass index (BMI) was significantly different among participants who wear foldable medical protective masks in the standard and non-standard manner (both P < 0.05). Conclusion Wearing medical protective masks by HCWs in a non-standard manner is influenced by multiple factors. It is recommended to conduct real-time testing before formal quantitative fitness testing, so as to save time and improve testing efficiency. When conducting training on wearing medical protective masks in the future, targeted training should be provided based on mask shape and focus on logistics personnel, interns, individuals with high BMI, those who have never received training on wearing medical protective masks, and those who have never participated in the prevention and treatment of respiratory infectious diseases.


涂佳佳,刘芳,王珂璇,等.医务人员佩戴医用防护口罩行为现状及其影响因素[J]. 中国感染控制杂志,2024,23(6):735-741. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20244936.
Jia-jia TU, Fang LIU, Ke-xuan WANG, et al. Current situation and influencing factors of medical protective mask wea-ring behavior of health care workers[J]. Chin J Infect Control, 2024,23(6):735-741. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20244936.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-09-01
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-07-18
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