
航空总医院脑脊液神经外科, 北京 100012



陈红伟  E-mail: hongwei12@163.com



Preliminary study on the treatment of severe tuberculous meningitis with refractory hydrocephalus by modified extraventricular drainage

Neurosurgery Department of Cerebrospinal Fluid Disease, Aviation General Hospital, Beijing 100012, China

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    目的 探讨改良脑室外引流术治疗重症结核性脑膜炎并难治性脑积水的临床效果。 方法 回顾性分析某院2013—2017年收治的重症结核性脑膜炎并难治性脑积水患者的临床资料,均先采取改良脑室外引流术,脑室段穿刺后连接直线型连接器、腹腔段分流管从腹部皮下切口穿出,并持续脑脊液引流净化,待病情稳定后去除脑脊液引流装置或行脑室腹腔分流术治疗。比较治疗前后患者Evan’s指数、GCS评分及GOS预后评分。 结果 共收治15例重症结核性脑膜炎并难治性脑积水患者,年龄19~64岁。与治疗前比较,治疗后患者Evan’s指数、GCS评分均得到改善,差异有统计学意义(均P < 0.05)。1例炎症控制后拔除脑室外引流管,余14例进行脑室腹腔分流术。出院GOS分级,恢复良好(4~5分)13例(86.7%),恢复较差(3分)2例(13.3%)。引流时间59~335 d,平均173.3 d。引流期间无颅内感染及分流管堵塞并发症。出院随访2~5年,平均4.5年,1例因分流管脑室段置于透明隔间隙导致脑室再次扩张,经透明隔造瘘并再次分流后治愈,余病例无并发症。 结论 改良脑室外引流术可显著提高患者最终分流成功率,尤其适用于重症结核性脑膜炎并难治性脑积水经反复治疗失败的患者。


    Objective To explore the clinical effect of modified extraventricular drainage on severe tuberculous meningitis (TBM) and refractory hydrocephalus. Methods Clinical data of patients with severe TBM and refractory hydrocephalus in a hospital from 2013 to 2017 were analyzed, the modified extraventricular drainage was adopted, ventricular segment was punctured, then connected to the linear connector and abdominal segment shunt, pass through a subcutaneous incision in the abdomen, and continue to drain and purify the cerebrospinal fluid, after disease condition was stable, cerebrospinal fluid drainage device was removed or ventricular-abdominal shunt treatment was performed. The Evan's index, GCS score and GOS prognostic score of patients before and after treatment were compared. Results A total of 15 patients with severe TBM and refractory hydrocephalus were treated, aged from 19 to 64 years. Compared with before treatment, Evan's index and GCS score of patient after treatment were improved, differences were statistically significant (all P < 0.05). One case was removed extraventricular drainage tube after inflammation was controlled, and the other 14 cases underwent ventricular-abdominal shunt. According to the GOS classification at discharge, 13 cases (86.7%) recovered well (4-5 points), and 2 cases (13.3%) reco-vered poorly (3 points). Drainage time was 59-335 days, with an average of 173.3 days. There was no intracranial infection and shunt blockage complication during drainage. Patients were followed up for 2-5 years, with an ave-rage of 4.5 years, one case of ventricular segment of shunt tube was placed in the transparent septum space, which caused the ventricle to expand again, after fistulation through transparent septum and shunting again, it was cured, and the remaining cases were free of complications. Conclusion Modified extraventricular drainage can significantly improve the success rate of final shunt, especially for patients with severe TBM and refractory hydrocephalus after repeated treatment failure.


解东成,陈红伟,王圣杰,等.改良脑室外引流术治疗重症结核性脑膜炎并难治性脑积水的初步探讨[J]. 中国感染控制杂志,2021,(8):720-724. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20218138.
Dong-cheng XIE, Hong-wei CHEN, Sheng-jie WANG, et al. Preliminary study on the treatment of severe tuberculous meningitis with refractory hydrocephalus by modified extraventricular drainage[J]. Chin J Infect Control, 2021,(8):720-724. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20218138.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-10-13
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  • 在线发布日期: 2021-09-06
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