甘肃中医药大学临床医学院, 甘肃 兰州 730000
陈彻 E-mail:chenche72123@163.com
School of Clinical Medicine, Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730000, China
刘芳,牛亚倩,常钰玲,等.分子即时检验(POCT)在病毒性呼吸道感染疾病诊断中的应用前景[J]. 中国感染控制杂志,2021,(3):279-282. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20215445.
Fang LIU, Ya-qian NIU, Yu-ling CHANG, et al. Application prospect of point-of-care testing in the diagnosis of viral respiratory tract infection[J]. Chin J Infect Control, 2021,(3):279-282. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20215445.