

韩娜, 张雯






Diversity of tetracycline resistance genes in human, animal and environmental micro-ecology in different countries

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    目的 了解四环素类耐药基因在不同国家人体、动物和环境微生态中的分布情况及其多样性。方法 利用生物信息学方法,对2 036份不同来源的微生态样本宏基因组测序数据进行四环素耐药基因的鉴定,研究四环素耐药基因在不同来源、不同国别、不同人体部位的分布及耐药机制。结果 2 036份样本中,四环素耐药基因检出率为44.70%(910份),其中人源样本检出率最高,达78.99%(880/1 114),其次是动物样本,检出率40.98%(25/61)。共检出28种四环素耐药基因,248份样本至少检出10种以上四环素耐药基因,在人源性样本中28种基因全部检出,动物源样本中检出6种基因。28种四环素类耐药基因中,包括10种编码核糖体保护蛋白基因,其中5种(tetQ、tet32、tetW、tetO、tetM)在50%以上的人源样本中检出,4种在动物源样本中检出率>16%。338份人源样本具有国别(中国、丹麦、西班牙、美国和日本)信息,耐药基因分析显示,tetO、tetQ和tetW 3种耐药基因在5个国家均有检出;来源于中国的样本均检出tet32、tet40、tetO、tetQ和tetW 5种耐药基因,并匹配上24种四环素耐药基因型。在人体不同部位微生态四环素类耐药基因分布中,肠道中的耐药基因型分布最丰富,共有26种四环素耐药基因匹配到肠道样本中,其中tetQ、tetW、tetO、tet32、tet40 5种耐药基因型检出率>70%。结论 在人体、动物微生态中存在着大量的、多样的四环素类耐药基因,公众健康和生态环境受到巨大威胁,需要引起高度重视。


    Objective To understand the distribution and diversity of tetracycline resistance genes in human, animal and environmental micro-ecology in different countries. Methods Metagenomic sequencing data of 2 036 micro-ecological specimens from different sources were identified tetracycline resistance genes, distribution and mechanism of tetracycline resistance genes from different sources, different countries and different sites of human body were studied. Results Among 2 036 specimens, detection rate of tetracycline resistance genes was 44.70% (n=910), with the highest detection rate in human specimens (78.99%, 880/1 114), followed by animal specimens (40.98%, 25/61). A total of 28 kinds of tetracycline resistance genes were detected, 248 specimens were detected at least 10 kinds of tetracycline resistance genes, human specimens were detected all 28 kinds of tetracycline resistance genes, animal specimens were detected 6 kinds of tetracycline resistance genes. Among 28 tetracycline resistance genes, 10 coding ribosomal protective protein genes were found, 5 of which (tetQ, tet32, tetW, tetO, tetM) were detected in more than 50% of human specimens, and 4 were detected in animal specimens with a detection rate of more than 16%. 338 human specimens had national information (China, Denmark, Spain, the United States and Japan), analysis on drug resistance genes showed that tetO, tetQ and tetW were detected in 5 countries; specimens from China were matched 24 tetracycline-resistant genotypes, among which tet32, tet40, tetO, tetQ and tetW were detected in all Chinese specimens. Among the distribution of tetracycline resistance genes in micro-ecology of different sites of human body, intestinal tract had the richest distribution of drug resistance genotypes, 26 kinds of tetracycline resistance genes were matched to intestinal specimens, detection rates of tetQ, tetW, tetO, tet32 and tet40 were more than 70%. Conclusion There are a large number of tetracycline resistance genes in human and animal micro-ecology, which threaten the public health and ecological environment, and need to be paid more attention.


张婷婷, 苗娇娇, 强裕俊,等.四环素类耐药基因在不同国家人体、动物和环境微生态中的多样性[J]. 中国感染控制杂志,2019,18(9):797-802. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20195128.
ZHANG Ting-ting, MIAO Jiao-jiao, QIANG Yu-jun, et al. Diversity of tetracycline resistance genes in human, animal and environmental micro-ecology in different countries[J]. Chin J Infect Control, 2019,18(9):797-802. DOI:10.12138/j. issn.1671-9638.20195128.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-02-18
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  • 在线发布日期: 2019-09-28
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